Thursday, 3 May 2012

Long time away.

Long time no post!!!!!!!
Things have been a little hectic here. My husband and our little rescue dog were attacked by a stray dog. A very large Mastiff  (and massive he was). No fisherman's tale this, size of a small pony??????? or so I have been told. John ended up at the hospital and that has been  on-going ever since. Not from a bite but falling down in the melee. He is now having to have physio everyday. But at least he can walk and drive now. For a week he couldn't do anything. He does have a very fetching strip of cerise pink tape running from the top of his leg to his knee. Just the right colour I thought. Our dog is OK but very nervous. Needless to say the dog was never found. We have reported it to the police. But the huge thing must have gone into hiding.......
Thought I would show you what I have been up to of late.
This is me getting a little messy with spray paints and stencils. Plus a little black gesso.
Still had time to fiddle. While husbands recuperating.

This is the reverse side of the page.

Another page. I have used some texture paste on this, and a few other bits and bobs.

This is an on-going drawing in coloured pencil of a friend of our's cat. I'm afraid it's taken a long time  because I just seem to get bored with it. Oh dear!! shouldn't say that. So every now and then out of the cupboard he comes and sees a little daylight. It sharpens up my pencil skills I suppose.


  1. Oh Melva, so sorry to hear about whats been hapenning. Hope john and doggy are on the mend.
    jen xx I have apicture of a nice shed for John, will send it by email. !

  2. Hello, loving your black gesso piece. How scarey that you can't even walk your dog without having to worry about other people's dogs. Or should I say horse? I hope all is healing and John is doing close to 100% thanks for following my blog my dear .xoxoxox

  3. I know what you mean about being bored with something... I would never be able to paint something that took days... I love the cat drawing though. It is absolutely beautiful.

  4. Thank you so much for your words. Keep creating your beautiful art, so I can continue enjoying it ;-)
